Ko Samet and a SURPRISE for Jacki and Rob
I went to Ko Samet in August for a Thai Youth Theatre meeting with a bunch if other volunteers and these are some of the pictures... Enjoy!

We went for a walk to see more of the coast and it was beautiful... and there are Wesley and Liesbeth taking pictures too... OOPS!

On another walk Wesley and I found... PUPPIES!!! and they were really cute and we played with them for a while... with the owners looking at us funny because we were adults playing with their dogs... generally here only kids play with dogs... oh well

at night the beach transforms with many places to sit with mats, pillows and tables... the places are either restaurants or bars and there were fire dancers... and I will steal pictures from Wesley's blog later ;)

The bungalows that we stayed in they werent anything fancy... a bed, cold shower, but there were western toilets which was GREAT!

around sunset

this is everyone that went...
in the back left Sarah, Wesley and Katie
Then Merissa, Liesbeth, Natalie, Emily and then ME

So a few days ago, I walked over to the calender I have on my wall, I wasnt paying attention because I tripped over Eddie and I looked up and this thing scared the &*$@ out of me... I screamed and ran away... I am such a wimp... I didnt have the heart to kill it since it was missing a leg and was going to die anyway but I avoided that part of my house for a while... Yeah

Bud-Bud and Rob spooning... Jacki sent me a couple of pictures and I thought this one was funny/cute...
I really do amuse myself with this blog...
anyway I have to get out of here now... but
I love and miss you all...
Next post India (or maybe one before that if the internet at my office isnt too slow and I can get a computer without getting in the way of work being done)